Linda A. Slater, 68 of Manchester, beloved partner of Robert Allen, lost her battle with Cancer after two and a half years and died peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones.
Linda’s loving granddaughter, Angela Slater, read her scriptures and comforted her at the time of her passing. She was a warrior who fought heart attacks, strokes, and seizures during her Cancer battle. Many family members helped Linda during her battle, and she could not have fought the good fight without the loving support of Jeanne Sawyer, Melissa Slater, Angela Aquino, Maria Rios, and Robert Allen. Linda loved spending time with her family and friends, especially during the holidays. Most will remember her baking cookies and bread for loved ones, her open houses on Christmas Eve where everyone was invited and welcome and her love of music.
Linda was especially fond of John Lennon and was an avid record and collector. She was hard-working and family-oriented and will be remembered for her love of dolphins, her kindness, her smile, and her laugh. Linda leaves behind many loved ones, including her honey Robert ‘Bob’ Allen, her brother Edward Thistle and sister in law Bert, her brother Robert Thistle and sister in law Ada, her sister Jeanne Sawyer and brother in law Paul Sawyer, her four children, Robert Rollins and daughter in law Sally, her son Christopher Rollins, her son Eric Slater and her daughter Melissa Slater. She also leaves 3 grandchildren, Cassandra Caster and her husband Jake, Angela Aquino and her husband Carlos, Emani Slater, and two great-grandsons, Elijah and Xavier. Linda also leaves behind many cherished family members and friends.
A memorial service will be held for Linda sometime after the current pandemic is over.

I miss you sooooo much 😢 😞 😔 💔
Love you gram miss so much I will miss you forever you meant so much to me. Love Angie, and the boys they miss you a lot too gram 💖