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Patricia Jean Pfaff

Patricia Jean Pfaff, 67, of West Haven, Connecticut, passed away on September 5, 2023 after battling a rare blood cancer called Waldenströms for several years and is now at rest. Patricia was predeceased by her father, William Richard Pfaff and mother, Lela Boyd. She is survived by her brothers William T. Pfaff and Richard A. Pfaff and her daughters, Rachel M. Francis (Carasone) and Shannon L. Pfaff. Patricia, sometimes better known as Patty or Trish, in her health loved to go dancing and singing karaoke, spending time with friends and family with her signature coffee and cigarette, chatting, sharing memories and stories. An avid fan of music, who loved the Beatles and would smile whenever she spoke about her favorite Sunday morning past time, breakfast with the Beatles, with her daughter, Rachel. Another one of her favorite memories to share, was when she had the pleasure of meeting Queen and Freddy Mercury, before he passed. Christmas in the 90s was a magical time where the whole family would get together spend time visiting each other, exchange gifts, and enjoy each others company. She was a dedicated mother who never missed a game and was always there when her daughter Shannon needed her most. Patty loved her brothers dearly with too many memories to list. She was a dynamic and complex women, who loved and was loved by many. Per the deceased’s request, she will be cremated and no church services will be held. She requests those who knew her and loved her to honor the memories they shared with her and to smile about the good times together. Patricia will be forever loved and forever remembered.

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