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Adolfo Ortiz Jr. 1989-2021

Adolfo Ortiz Jr., age 32, passed away on June 22, 2021. He was born on February 2, 1989, in Torrance, CA and raised by his parents Jessica and Ralph David Ponder. He was always a protective older brother to Daniel and Melissa Ponder. On August 20, 2011, he married Lidia Oneima Loera-Ortiz. Together they lived in Houston for eight years and in Connecticut for two years. Additionally, he is survived by his loving grandmother Macata and several uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Adolfo was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses on August 31, 2002. Adolfo loved Jehovah and often stayed busy working with the congregation and helping his spiritual brothers and sisters. He was in the full-time preaching work for ten years. He helped at least six people to dedicate themselves to Jehovah. Those who knew him intimately knew he especially appreciated Paul’s words at Romans 7:20-25. We will all remember his “work and the love [he] showed.” (Hebrews 6:10)

He worked as a project manager drafting projects in both Houston and Connecticut. In his free time, he learned and challenged himself by cooking exotic cuisine, tinkering with mechanics and design, dabbling in poetry, memorizing historical and Biblical events, playing sports, geology, appreciating film techniques, traveling, and hiking. On the Long Trail thru hike, he was given the name “Tasty Backpack” when a bear chewed thru his hiking backpack. He enjoyed comic books, sci-fi, and everything superhero related. He often called himself a “Jack of all trades, master of none.”

The memorial service will take place at 5:00 pm EST (2:00 pm Pacific Standard Time; 4:00 pm Central Standard Time) on July 10th, 2021, over Zoom. All who would like to attend are welcome to contact Gonzalo Ortiz at 860-377-0135 for the login information.

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4 comentários

24 de nov. de 2022

How incredible is it that some time has gone past & still many constant thoughts are with your family... We think of you all often & miss Adolfo! We wish you the best & want you to know that our memories (although imperfect compared to Jehovah's) hold onto Adolfo's memory & continue to ache for all of you...


07 de jul. de 2021

To the Family of Adolfo Ortiz Jr.

Although I’ve never met many of you, my heart grieves for you because of your unimaginable loss!

To loose someone so young, so full of life and promise is painful beyond words.

My condolences to his bride Lidia. To the Ponders

To his brother Daniel

his little sister Melissa + Gustavo

To any and all who knew and loved Adolfo.


May the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials, be with all of you!

May the promises of our loving Heavenly Father give you the strength to endure until the day when we see Adolfo live again!

forever, in paradise.

your brother…


Sue Perez
Sue Perez
05 de jul. de 2021

My dear nephew you will truly be missed by everyone on your biological father's side of the family. Even though our time together was short we will cherish you always.


04 de jul. de 2021

We will really miss him, but only for just a little while. (Job 14:13-15) I personally wish I would’ve met him sooner in life. My heart goes out, with tears and pain, to his beautiful family.


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