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Rev. H. Patrick Pollard, RScF

March 17, 1935 – January 19, 2024

Rev. H. Patrick Pollard made his transi􏰀on on January 19, 2024.

Patrick was born in Arima, Trinidad on March 17, 1935, to Angela (Hopkins) Pollard and Wilfred Elliot Pollard. The youngest of four, he and his siblings lived in town with his mother who ran a business school from her house. His father was the overseer of a 500-acre cocoa planta􏰀on. Angela, whom Patrick adored, died when he was eight years old.

On the planta􏰀on, they lived off the land hun􏰀ng and growing food. Patrick o􏰁en spoke of the crystal- clear river that flowed through the property. This good living is probably what made him the healthiest, most ac􏰀ve, and energe􏰀c octogenarian many people knew. He was o􏰁en mistaken for someone 10-15 years younger than he was.

Patrick was seventeen when his father died, but he took Wilfred’s lessons with him as he created his own tailoring business, The Garment Clinic, from the single sewing machine his father had bought for him. He later worked as a salesman of cars and life insurance.

In 1966 Patrick emigrated to the United States to “plant himself in a bigger pot.” He lived in New York City where one of his many jobs was as a salesman in a mul􏰀-level marke􏰀ng company. His success was such that he became an Instructor General teaching distributors in the company a philosophy of achieving business success through the conscious use of the subconscious mind. It was in the early 70s while giving a talk in Dallas, TX one of the par􏰀cipants told Patrick he sounded like the minister at his Religious Science church. Patrick a􏰂ended a Sunday service and when he heard the minster speaking about life enrichment through the conscious use of the subconscious mind from a spiritual standpoint, he thought to himself, “That is what I want to do!”

With that goal in mind, he moved to California and began a􏰂ending a Religious Science church learning all he could about the Science of Mind, which changed his life forever. He con􏰀nued through ministerial school and graduated in 1986 as a Religious Science Fellow (RScF). It was while living in California he had his daughter, Lydia, the joy of his life.

Patrick served as Minister at the Religious Science churches in Yucaipa, CA 1986-1988, Hun􏰀ngton Beach, CA 1988-1992, Eureka, CA 1992-1996 and Albuquerque, NM 1996-2008 where he met and married Sue. Patrick re􏰀red in 2008 and they moved to Connec􏰀cut, Sue’s home state. It became obvious a good minister needs a pulpit. Before a year was up, Patrick was working again with a small group of people who were part of a Science of Mind study group. Patrick, they said, was the answer to their prayer for a minister in the area. In 2010 Patrick founded and ministered to the CT Center for Spiritual Living in Middletown, CT un􏰀l re􏰀ring a second 􏰀me in October 2021 at 86 years old.

During his 35 years in the ministry, he served the movement wholeheartedly. Rev. Patrick was a well- respected and loved member of the greater Science of Mind community. In 2008 at the annual minsters’ convoca􏰀on his peers in the United Clergy of Religious Science bestowed the Living Treasure Award upon him honoring his leadership, dedica􏰀on and contribu􏰀on to the movement and recognizing his loving presence and powerful consciousness.

Patrick was not just a minster on Sunday mornings. In his daily encounters with people, he constantly reminded them of their unique specialness. “Thank you for who you are and what you do” or “You are unique, you are wonderful, and you make a difference” were some of the things he commonly told people he met be they bank tellers, chiropractors, doctors, postal workers, dry cleaners – you name it. Everywhere he went he le􏰁 people feeling special with just a few words of Light. In his spiritual communi􏰀es he was famous for his quote, “Love is all there is, and the rest we make up.”

He touched thousands of lives during his ministry through his teaching, preaching and spiritual counseling. He provided the spiritual tools people use to manifest the life experience they desire. Patrick was Love pure and simple. He was the kindest and gentlest of men.

Patrick loved to sing, and he had a wonderful voice. When he was a young man in Trinidad he could mimic the voices of singers like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Perry Como among others. His speaking voice was extremely easy to listen to with a hint of his Trinidad accent. People o􏰁en said they’d listen to him read the phone book just to hear his voice.

When Patrick wasn’t working, he enjoyed playing cards and board games, playing tennis, gardening, cooking (he was renowned for his s􏰀r-fry, and West Indian chicken) and, in the past several years, he was addicted to pickleball playing three or four 􏰀mes a week up un􏰀l two weeks before his death. He loved life and strove to have a posi􏰀ve impact on each person around him.

Patrick is predeceased by his parents and his brothers, Paul Pollard of Atlanta, GA and Alex Pollard of Tobago. Patrick is survived by his wife Sue Pollard of Higganum, CT, his daughter Lydia Pollard and her husband Kristophe Green of Albuquerque, NM, his sister Yvonne Pollard of Greenwich, CT, and many nieces and nephews.

A Celebra􏰀on of Life service will be held in March with details forthcoming.

In memory Patrick’s loving legacy dona􏰀ons can be made to the CT Center for Spiritual Living at h􏰂ps://, or mail checks to CTCSL, P.O. Box 1261, Middletown, CT 06457.

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